FMburgh Survey Results for August 2024

Following the August 2024 meeting of FMburgh (the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group), we asked the attendees how they have used the Web Viewer object on Claris FileMaker layouts and if they plan to attend Claris Engage 2025 in Austin, TX this coming March. We also learned that the majority of Claris FileMaker developers love riding the classic wooden coasters at Kennywood.

Q1) How have you used the FileMaker Web Viewer object when building layouts? (Check all that apply)

0.00% – Display up-to-the-minute exchange rates
0.00% – Integrate with online versions of QuarkXPress, Microsoft Office and other Web-enabled applications
16.7% – Add package tracking info to a sales or procurement layout
16.7% – Link to a Web page providing user instructions for your customized FileMaker solution
16.7% – Link to an external web page
33.3% – Using the web viewer to execute some custom JavaScript instead using a native calculation
50.0% – Storing documents in conjunction with SuperContainer by 360works
66.7% – Display record data using a data URL and feeding the web viewer raw HTML
83.3% – Preview contents of container fields
100% – Add a map to a contacts layout


Q2) With the announcement that Claris Engage is headed back to Austin, TX in March 2025, your plan to attend next year’s Engage…

16.7% – Is already set in stone. I’m going to Texas. Yeehaw!
50.0% – Has a pretty good chance of coming to fruition.
16.7% – Looks promising but still needs final approval from the boss.
0.00% – Is doubtful but a slight chance still exists.
16.7% – Was finished before it even began. Can you bring me home a t-shirt?


Q3) Which of these Kennywood roller coasters do you enjoy riding? (Check all that apply)

0.00% – Li’l Phantom
16.7% – Are you crazy? I’m only standing in line to get Potato Patch Fries.
16.7% – The Exterminator
50.0% – Sky Rocket
50.0% – The Steel Curtain
66.7% – Phantom’s Revenge
83.3% – Jackrabbit
83.3% – Racer
83.3% – Thunderbolt


If you responded to the August 2024 survey, we thank you for your participation. And whether you did or not, we also thank you for checking out the results. To join in on the fun, click here to submit your answers for September’s survey.