The next meeting of FMburgh, the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group, takes place on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 7:00 PM EST. We hope you can join us either in-person or virtually for this hybrid session.
The agenda for the evening includes a FileMaker Show-n-Tell: Speed Round presentation. The FileMaker Show-n-Tell is a regular part of our meetings, and it includes one or two of our peers sharing something cool they’ve built and showing us what it looks like under the hood. As the name implies, the Speed Round involves more people sharing for five or ten or fifteen minutes each instead of the usual 30 to 35 minutes.
The agenda for this FileMaker Show-n-Tell: Speed Round is inspired by the recent DIGFM meeting on February 13. Have you developed a FileMaker application in support of a hobby (other than FileMaker itself) for yourself or for someone else? Use this FileMaker Show-n-Tell to tell us about the hobby and the application developed for it. We’ll pass the presenter role around the room and allow attendees to share as many solutions as possible in the time available. Please come prepared to share one of your hobby solutions with us, unless you want to hear Todd talk about roller coaster riding and comic book collecting all evening.
As is our custom, we will open the floor to general Claris FileMaker discussion at the end of the meeting if time permits so bring your questions. Hopefully, with a room full of FileMaker experts, we’ll have the answers.
As noted above, you have the option join us remotely. If you prefer to meet live and in living color, the Eat’n Park restaurant in Robinson Twp. is now “the place for smiles” and for great FileMaker discussion. If you do attend in-person, you also have the option to join us at 6:00 PM as we share a meal together before the meeting starts.
You can use the form below to let us know you’ll be there and receive the remote meeting link. Mark you calendars and make plans to join us!