Following the December meeting of FMburgh (the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group), we asked the attendees and the larger Claris FileMaker community a few questions to understand how they use FileMaker and its many features. We also asked what holiday movies and specials everyone likes to watch. While “A Charlie Brown […]
Back in November, Cross IT launched a brand new YouTube channel – In a Nutshell. As the name hopefully implies, the presentations found here cover both tutorials on Claris products and news about those same products, and are delivered in a concise and succinct manner. While we started with a […]
Introducing our channel – In a Nutshell! It covers news about Claris products, tutorials, and presentations. Listed below are things to look forward to… General Tutorials Claris News Miscellanea Lunch & Learn Appetizer Entrée Á La Carte FMburgh Keynote Presentation Show ‘n’ Tell Roundtable Discussion Get ( Innovation ) Subscribe […]
Add-ons in Claris FileMaker originated in version 17 with easy access to include useful modules into a custom application. With version 19, we now can create our own add-ons. This adds a great deal of functionality by removing the need to create regularly built modules from the ground up. Many […]
After taking our customary midwinter break, the February meeting of FMburgh, the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group, was held on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 in an online-only format due to both the regional and national health directives related to COVID-19. The agenda for the evening included a roundtable discussion centered around […]
During the month of November, we asked the attendees of FMburgh (the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group) and the larger Claris FileMaker community a few questions to understand how they use FileMaker and its many features. We also asked what side dishes are a part of everyone’s Thanksgiving celebration. We found […]
During the month of October, we asked the attendees of FMburgh (the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group) and the larger Claris FileMaker community a few questions to understand how they use FileMaker and its many features. We also wanted to know what everyone thinks of “The Mandalorian”. The answers revealed at […]
The December 2020 meeting of FMburgh, the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group, was held on Wednesday, December 2 in an online-only format due to both the regional and national health directives related to COVID-19. The agenda for the evening included a FileMaker Show-n-Tell as we welcome Fritz Motschman from UPMC Sign […]
The November 2020 meeting of FMburgh, the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group, was held on Wednesday, November 4 in an online-only format due to the state and national health directives related to COVID-19. The agenda for the evening started with a brief presentation covering the latest Claris Platform developments since the […]
During the month of September, we asked the attendees of FMburgh (the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group) and the larger Claris FileMaker community a few questions to understand how they use FileMaker and its many features. We also asked a non-technical question to help us learn a little bit about our […]
The October 2020 meeting of FMburgh, the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group, took place on Wednesday, October 7. Since the state and national health directives related to COVID-19 encouraged social distancing when possible, the meeting was held in an online-only format. We welcomed our own Thomas Waters and his colleagues Karen […]
In the 24th annual FileMaker DevCon, Claris International, Inc. had announced its new branding that included a name and another product. The original name of the company when it first began was Claris, then transitioned to FileMaker, so it brings back to what it once was called. To make it […]