September 2024 Meeting of FMburgh

The next meeting of FMburgh, the Pittsburgh FileMaker Developer Group, takes place on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT. We hope you can join us in-person or virtually for this hybrid session.

The agenda for the evening includes a FileMaker Show-n-Tell, where our peers show us and tell us about the cool things they have built using the Claris platform. Jerry Salem will share a tool he has built for importing and viewing FileMaker Server’s Top Call Statistics. Todd Weller will share his technique for duplicating a record when the ‘Duplicate Record’ script step is not what is needed. As is our custom, we will open the floor to general FileMaker discussion at the end of the meeting if time permits so bring your questions. Hopefully, with a room full of FileMaker experts, we’ll have the answers.

As noted above, you have the option join us remotely. If you prefer to meet live and in living color, the Eat’n Park restaurant in Robinson Twp. is now “the place for smiles” and for great FileMaker discussion. If you do attend in-person, you also have the option to join us at 6:00 PM as we share a meal together before the meeting starts.

You can use the form below to let us know you’ll be there one way or the other. Mark you calendars and make plans to join us!